The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/negativeconfidence12 on 2025-03-12 21:19:07.
I was at the grocery store and saw berries on special, so I went to see them and there was somebody browsing so I waited behind them (small section, not enough for two). After about 30 seconds he leaves so I go and just as i start selecting a lady forces her way in and moves me out of the way (no physical contact but she just barged in)
So I say to her ‘can you wait your turn’?
She barely looks at me and mutters out a ‘what’ and i repeat myself and then her friend/boyfriend (don’t know but some guy with her) gets in my face and tells me to repeat that again. so I said can she wait her turn, i was standing there and she forced her way in
he then keeps getting angrier and telling me to respect his lady and i argued back saying she forced me out of the way and has no respect and i said wait her turn, to which he keeps getting mad and saying he doesn’t care, respect his lady.
anywho, after he kept getting closer i told him he was spitting on me and he kept repeating himself to respect his lady and i just said whatever man and left.
I don’t know, i think i was being reasonable when she moved her way in. i figured it’s basic etiquette to wait your turn but this guy had a big problem with it