The original post: /r/space by /u/gopherbutter on 2025-03-13 03:02:36.

I was aware of Hakeem from the TV show “How the Universe Works” but was never aware of his back story, his accomplishments, or how he got to where he is.

I discovered he has a book about his life (I have it ordered but not read yet). This lead me to look up some more info on him that I thought others may find interesting, if they are not aware.

Answering Questions about Hubble Tension, Dyson Spheres, & Relativity: Star Talk: 1 day ago.

Hakeem Oluseyi: An Unexpected Life in Science & Unpopular Truths The Origins Podcast: one year ago.

A Quantum Life with Hakeem Oluseyi Star talk: 3 years ago.