The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/sarahlilianx on 2025-03-13 06:24:00.
Hello, I am 22F and my boyfriend is 23M. We’ve been together almost 6 years and we are best friends in every way but there’s something that really annoys me. Say we are walking to the shop and there’s no time limit he will walk 3 minutes ahead of me, I just don’t understand why he does this. He tells me it’s because he wants to get there faster but he will wait for me at the doors to go in anyways. He has always done this, sometimes he will hold my hand to make me walk faster. We also love running but have to run separately as he is faster than me, which I understand as he wants to challenge himself but when there is no time frame or reason to rush he will still walk head of me. We could be on a hike and he will be quite a way infront of me, I want to be able to talk to him and take a nice walk together. He says I’m too slow and I should catch up to him but I think he could slow down. I just need to know if I’m being unreasonable. AITA?