It’s worse when you meet the love of your life and it turns out you aren’t theirs.
I’m currently living with someone I love deeply and it doesn’t go both ways 😞
Me too. I’m finally starting to get the divorce ball rolling, not because I want to, but because she’s made it clear we have no future, but she’s too passive aggressive to do it herself. Last 2 days I’ve been riding the waves of a continuous panic attack.
Man. It took about 3 years with my ex from the point she told me that she didn’t love me anymore for it to die off completely. That took me meeting someone else. She lost her mind when that happened. It was like she just wanted to go wild for a while and she expected me to just be there and forgive her when she was done. She spent some time in the hospital, ended up settling down with the last dude she cheated with.
Life is a fucked up, evil bitch too. My ex spent over a decade with me. We were best friends for years before we ended up together. We split, she gets diagnosed with cancer a year later and dies a miserable death.
Life is too short to spend your time where you know you shouldn’t be, but we should also consider every decision we make as though we could die tomorrow, because we could.
I don’t know. I’ve been having a hard time today thinking about everything that happened to her. Sometimes it’s for me, sometimes it’s for her, some days it’s for both of us.
I love my wife, the woman I’m with now. She and I are so great together and I’m very lucky to have found her. I’m not saying I regret anything. Still, trauma is trauma and what has happened has happened and it’s going to affect me for however long I’m on this planet.
Good luck to you. I hope you end up in a happy place some day.
I kinda wish my situation was just a divorce lol, it would be less complicated. I’m poly and about a year ago my polycyle imploded, I found a partner I adore, then my spouse was like I want to marry someone else so we got that ball rolling, my new partner broke up with me, but we still enjoyed each other’s company and our leases were up at the same time so we had a feelings talk and were like fuck it let’s do the queer thing and move in together. Everyone knows I’m wildly in love with them but I don’t make any moves or anything I just sit with it and cherish the friendship best I can, trying not to think about it too hard
The last bit of my marriage was difficult though the lead up to moving away from each other. If you ever want to talk about stuff I just went through all that maybe I can help, or just be an understanding stranger to talk at. Let me know
God damn that’d just be a nightmare, to the point of probably literal seizures for me. Best of wishes to you in your future endeavors.
The other way round isn’t great either, my friend.
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I’m sorry for you. I hope things get better for you
loving others is as important as being loved, but being without either sucks.
People say it’s better to have loved and lost, but tbh I have never had a mental breakdown over being single / not meeting someone.
yeah but memories of long stretches alone don’t tend to be worth much when I’m masturbating, so I guess it’s really about priorities, and how much you appreciate emotional breakdowns.
Me and my pets.
It’s worse when you meet the love of your life and it turns out you aren’t theirs.
What about when you meet the love of your life, but they didn’t know if you were coming along or not so they got married to someone else?
That means you could’ve done something different. The tragedy of unrequited love is that there isn’t a parallel universe where you are together.
They were like two hummingbirds who have also never met
This was my logic. The type of girl I’m into, I’ll not meet because of this logical fallacy. I was beyond lucky, the probability were so low, yet I found her.
Being single and horny tends to get people off the couch from time to time. Then you meet people you vibe with and you get to sit on the couch together because you’re no longer lonely or climbing the walls with hormones.
Don’t worry the hormones die off around 35 so plenty of uninterrupted couch time
You’d like to think so, but I’ve heard some stories about what folks at the senior living center get up to. It’s only “uninterrupted couch time” in the JD Vance sense.
I think that might also be because of boredom. When there is nothing else to do people tend to do that.
For example, in a place I know they were struggling with not having enough electricity for the population. So each day there’d be no electricity for hours and hours. That resulted in a clear population boom after a few years. And went away after the power problem was solved.
A man can dream
When I was a young boy
My mother said to me:
"There’s only one girl in the world for you,
and she’s probably watching TV."Or! The person you fall in love with wont be “just like you” and you’ll meet them if you get off your ass and look.
Sounds like work, and neither of us wants to do that.
I met my wife as she swore off dating apps. So did I.
You know those parades during holidays and people of a specific organization walk through with costumes? Well, one for my hobby had a call for parade participants. After 3 months of practice, I finally had the nerve to ask her out.
Now we’re married. Going on 12 years.
I agree with the image. There are good ones who aren’t on the app.
They’re posting online just like you are.
Source: my husband
Me irl
Two sentence saddest rom com ever.
Just look for a Gilmore Girls Repeat-Binge Watching Support Group and go from there.
Sad but true
Yeah, pretty much