The original post: /r/whatcarshouldibuy by /u/mfly5 on 2025-03-13 13:44:32.

I’m purchasing my first car soon, and I really want a 4Runner. I’ve always loved the look, reliability, and simplicity of them. The only holdup is that they’re really freaking expensive.

I’m 25, I’ve never owned a car because I never needed one, but I just got a new job and will soon be moving to Colorado from the midwest. I work fully remote, so I don’t have any commute, meaning this 4Runner will be used a lot for what’s it’s best at, driving in the mountains and occasionally offroading.

I make $110k so I can afford to buy a 4Runner, but the sticker shock on used 4Runners is getting to me.

So, what makes the most sense? Should I purchase a lightly used 4Runner(3-5 years old with 30-50k miles) for about $45k OTD or get a higher mileage one(~100k) for closer to $35k OTD.

I plan to keep this vehicle for a long time. Is it worth the extra money for a vehicle in better condition with lower mileage? Or should I just save $10k and get one with higher mileage, likely needing to replace it sooner?

Or I could just buy a completely different vehicle. Open to suggestions!!