Blue has always been a favorite of mine, but purple has really grown on me lately. Naturally, I love bluish purples.
Azure Blue or Cyan. I can’t really choose between the two.
Purple, it’s the colour of royalty.
Very specifically, the fresh green you see on a forest hillside from a long way away just as the leaves start appearing in spring
Acid green
blue crew
Midnight blue
What is the velocity of an unladen swallow?
What do you mean? An African or European swallow?
Orangered you cure! /s
Iono, I would normally say a deep forest green, but I have recently been growing in appreciation of purple.
Dark blue.
Orange. My students used to ask me why, and I would tell them that I like bright colors, but red is a mad color - STOP sign, fire, angry emoji. Orange on the other hand is cheery, it’s a happy red!
In Mandalorian culture, Orange represents a lust for life.
…idk, that one guy kinda killed it for me.