Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of good animated sci-fi comedy, but I recently watched Scavengers Reign and I’m looking for other more adult sci-fi animated shows.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of good animated sci-fi comedy, but I recently watched Scavengers Reign and I’m looking for other more adult sci-fi animated shows.
Pantheon was interesting, but I am forever scarred by “Monotheism, the original killer app”. That line is quite possibly the stupidest fucking line I’ve seen in TV. Even with context, it makes like no sense. Its just so fucking stupid. Haven’t watched season 2 tho lol
Haha, yeah that is ridiculous. To be fair, it’s said by someone who’s basically a Silicon Valley CEO who’s like a zealot. I don’t think it’s meant to be taken fully seriously.