No mistake, they only want white men to remain in history. First they erase every different from history, then they try to erase everyone else in the present.
“Oops, we did a racism during our racism speedrun”
Like it mistakenly removed content related to Enola Gay? Where Gay was the last name and not the sexual orientation because there is no distinguishing nuance in a blanket string removal?
Cool, now they can correct the “mistake” made regarding Army Maj. Gen. Charles C. Rogers …
Not just him. Bring all of them back.
I’m surprised the DOD has the ability to say anything with trump’s dick so far down their throat.
They’re not thrilled about what’s going on. At least, not all of them. At least, not the ERDC.
Why are they gonna take down George Washington Carver as well?
Yeah horseshit, what a coincidence that they did that at the same time the government just so happens to be removing the existence of black people from all other public records
mistakenly got caught is more like it
No problem, it was a mistake. Now PUT IT BACK, ya bunch a dipshits.
Allot of ‘mistakes’ are being made lately.