Forget the grunts and moans. When a mudcrab attacks my character, I want to hear “god fucking dammit” and “fucking shitbiscuit” from my character. That’s how people actually sound when they get hurt.
Forget the grunts and moans. When a mudcrab attacks my character, I want to hear “god fucking dammit” and “fucking shitbiscuit” from my character. That’s how people actually sound when they get hurt.
Kingdom Come does that.
IIRC this also happened in Insurgency. I seem to recall being fired upon while my character screamed “FUCK SHIT SHIT”, bullets wizzing by.
Great game prior to changing hands and being nuked. It filled a niche between ultratactical gameplay and Call of Duty intensity. Squad does this alittle but not in the same style.
EDIT: Proof here.