Forget the grunts and moans. When a mudcrab attacks my character, I want to hear “god fucking dammit” and “fucking shitbiscuit” from my character. That’s how people actually sound when they get hurt.
Forget the grunts and moans. When a mudcrab attacks my character, I want to hear “god fucking dammit” and “fucking shitbiscuit” from my character. That’s how people actually sound when they get hurt.
Just finished playing Still Wakes the Deep and your character will do this. What’s cool is it’s not a scripted thing most of the time. If you jump from a height, he might yell out,
As you run toward the ledge to jump. If he has a rough landing, he’ll grunt and say something like,
I know it’s not scripted cause, and without spoilers, it’s a game where you will fall to your death a lot! So restarting checkpoints is common. Good game though!
Great game, with lots of swearing (and a very emotional story)
If I remember correctly it’s not even that expensive when not on sale
Edit: it isn’t super well optimized though, from what I remember. I do think they updated it to add a bunch of the up scalers recently