Approaching the end of window 10 and have no plans on upgrading to 11.
I am trying to find alternatives to applications I regularly use before jumping ship (it is mostly a gaming focused pc) any suggestions?
There’s oculus software for my vr but don’t know what I’m going to do with that
Small update: probably going to do Linux mint as that appears to be the most beginner friendly
Update two: that’s a lot of comments, and Thanks for all the info
this isn’t even possible, most linux distros are passion projects, even the ones that aren’t don’t need much funding. Debian will never go away, arch will never go away, so that simply can’t happen unless they’re militaristically destroyed. You say this is not far fetched, but i’m afraid I completely disagree, that doesn’t even sound remotely possible. Fedora doesn’t even do that much, they just package together a bunch of other things that are developed completely independently of them (they don’t even make their own kernel, that’s like 90% of the work!)
fedora cannot legally become closed source, most of it is GPL licensed. Lookup “copyleft”, this is why android isn’t already proprietary.
This isn’t true, there are many open source android projects could easily keep things going. The only reason huawei does all that is because of the proprietary parts, this doesn’t exist as a problem in linux, and cannot be created as one. Firefox would still be developed without mozilla, just significantly slower. Lookup phones with microg, they have no such issues keeping things going. Browsers are a special case that require a ton of resources to keep secure, OS’s, not so much.
Also, google cannot legally close source android, that’s the point of the GPL.
Even then what you’re saying is “these aren’t viable open source projects without a lot of funding” and android absolutely is, firefox MIGHT be.
none of these concerns resemble this situation.
I see we are not going nowhere here, but I highly appreciate your effort to make me understand your view. Russia and China, let alone Cuba, Venezuela, Iran etc al want to develop an alternative from Android… how is it going? Only China is pulling it off, and after 5 years already and massive investment… just forking sure…
Just as a remark… “cannot legally become closed source”. Do you really think the US is bound by any legality at this point?! And it is not just Trump… any President could scrap off any legality if it need be and lower courts could just complain all the want… Of the 100+ lawsuit cases Trump already has accumulated in 3 months you won’t see much progress… and recently, even the US Supreme Court already gave Presidents “Broad Immunity for Official Acts” and “Absolute Immunity for Core Powers” so good luck for upholding GPL if an administration wants to force software out of it.
Like i’ve said repeatedly, it’s the google play store, the proprietary parts they are having trouble duplicating. Even little people can make ROMS on XDA, it’s not a big deal.
here’s an example:
If they cannot do the work that single devs can do, then they aren’t even trying.
Single inexperienced developers do this with regularity for fun.
There’s no precedent for this and it seems like baseless paranoia. Again, fedora’s whole selling point is essentially the GPL, getting rid of it would make it completely worthless, none of the KDE devs would be down for this, none of the linux kernel devs would be down for this, all they’d have is DNF… Also, if this happened, redhat having marketshare would be the least of our worries. It really wouldn’t even matter.
here’s a full list of their projects:
do you even use any of those?
Hell, they hardly even have DNF since they’re trying to switch to flatpak, soon they won’t even be in control of most of packaging, just the default suite of apps. This is an incredibly bad move if they’re ever going to do what you’re claiming, it’s essentially irreversible.
None of the value proposition of fedora is in the actual software they make, it’s the distribution of that software that’s valuable, they package it well, but they don’t make it themselves… KDE will not go with redhat, they’re separate orgs, as is linux, as is systemd, even coreutils aren’t made by them.
You seem to be under the impression that fedora is entirely made by redhat, this is completely false, it’s just a bunch of things other people make they’ve bundled together. Redhat does not and cannot have much power over this unless they start building massive amounts of infrastructure from scratch, which they won’t be able to justify to investors because it will, again, be entirely against their business model.
The moment fedora becomes proprietary, people will fork, switch, and never think about them again. Even if they do become proprietary through some magic, we’ll still have all the previous versions to work with, they’ll have to offer some features to make switching to the proprietary version worthwhile, and given what KDE already offers, i can’t even imagine what that would be.
They honestly probably don’t even need to fork… dnf isn’t even that good of a package manager.