I’m too lazy to get offended by this but imagine if someone put any other violence-filled book in a hotel room. Unwind by Neal Shusterman anyone? How bout that war novel where there was a graphic skinning scene?
Finding this book, and only this book, in every hotel room is an example of Christian privilege. Nobody asks you which book you’d like when you check-in. They’ve made that decision for you. They’ve provided you with “the good book.”
I thought they get placed by the Gideons? It’s even a plot point in the original Mission Impossible movie.
That is correct. But why do the Gideons get to place their book and Muslims do not?
They get given to hotels by the Gideon’s. The hotel staff usually are the ones to place them.
Many years ago, a Christian friend of mine sent an email to his entire Sunday School class saying, “… As Christians we need to be more discerning.” This was in response to another email that had been sent to the class about the evils of Harry Potter, and it used an Onion article for its source material.
As people who claim to be more discerning than people of faith, we really need to be more discerning…
Bibles in hotel rooms are not an example of Christian privilege, but an example of a private non-profit, spending their own money to place Bibles in hotel rooms. If it were not for this private non-profit they would not be there.
Bring a highlighter and some post it notes. Mark it up to emphasize the the horrible parts. The person to actually open it is likely already a Christian. Perhaps you could get someone to question their beliefs if they focus on the rape, murder, slavery, etc. featured in their “good book”.
I spent five weeks in the states last year and I was in a different hotel every couple of days (drove along the coast of california). Not one of them had a bible.
Yeah, it’s a lot less common than it used to be. These stories that say, “every hotel room” are definitely exaggerating these days.
Yeah, maybe in Utah