I think that Gino quit his job because now that they live in the same country & it’s way more affordable to mass produce content of them together & TLC is going to make him & Jasmine into the new Chantel & Pedro.
He probably quit his job to cause drama in an upcoming series they might be filming now.
That’s also why jasmine has transformed into the perfect “hot Latina who likes sex” persona too.
They’re getting their own spinoff, but the money they get won’t last that long.
Yeah, I mean, it’s most likely already spent for the 1st 3 seasons of their spin-off.
Good luck to them making it 3 seasons!
Wait is it confirmed they are getting a spin off? Oh it absolutely won’t last.
David and Annie got 2 seasons of the most boring spinoff ever. It never concluded to anything, and to top it off Annie is marrying her cousin amber off to some 30 year old (amber is in her 20’s). It’s downright disgusting.
ONG wuttt!?! Where did you see thisss!?
I’m assuming of course, but all evidence is pointing to a spinoff.
Money definitely won’t last. Look where Kate Gosselin is at now. 😳
The way to make money off tlc is to have 19 kids on a TV show and then not pay the kids for being on the TV show and keeping the checks!
See Jim Bob Duggar who is worth $8m off the exploitation and abuse of his children for tlc viewing pleasure.
Jesús Christ. Literally.
Can you imagine being in the hospital and having her walk in as your nurse
She can’t legally work in the US until she’s legal, right? So, all the money would go to Gino. That’s a big bone he would have to hold over her head.
I think she can if she gets a work permit?
But i don’t know. How did Chantel and Pedro do it?Pedro has his GC and was able to do the spinoff and get paid. Gino and Jasmine would already be married shes been in the US longer than 90 days now so she has OF account and once gets her EAD she will also be able to get paid for any spinoffs
And wouldn’t be surprised if Jasmines EAD is somehow expedited so she can get paid too to film any spinoff. Which would be unfair. I was a k1 and still waiting for my EAD and i feel we were on a similar timeline coming to the US.
I wonder if that was the joint account they squabbled over when he was leaving?
True, but once they’re married, he’s totally screwed.
I mean… he can afford her? Not that he’s been living extravagantly or anything. But she definitely has on his money so I’m thinking he’s got money saved. They could probably do a spin off or sell home movies if you catch my drift.
Shes just going to gain weight in the US and all that money went down the drain y’all.
So stupid quitting…I bet he made decent money and in Michigan, jobs aren’t exactly everywhere
eh. I don’t like Geno but as someone in the area there’s almost always suppliers looking for design engineers.
He explains in this upcoming Sunday episode that he quit, but will get another job after they get married
He probably makes more by acting a fool with jasmine
He was probably embarrassed of people giving him shit at work.
“Hey Gino! We heard that your fiancé is selling pictures of her asshole online.”
Wait wuuuuuut!?!
Some guy here was bragging about how much money Jasmine makes on OF (weird, right?) a while ago. If she was so casually able to say that she pissed all over Gino and he liked it, I can only imagine what her OF looks like. 🤮
Bragging guy was probably Gino lol
Seriously though, I wonder how many are redditors (besides u/Richard90Day)
Social media is rough anyway…
Both Reddit and OF give me a gaping asshole, but on Reddit I don’t get paid for it lol.
To be fair knowing how hard it is to make money on reality TV…
Fair play to anyone who can make a living/survive off their popularity or boobies… (except pole, no one needs to see that shit)
Well now I gotta go find this OF would make way more sense how she pays for all her surgery. There’s no way Gino is paying for all that on his own
Gino’s (jasmine’s asshole) picture is online for free.
He probably got a lot of attention at work. If not from other engineers, from people working the line who saw him. I’m sire they get enough money from the show.
It’s also a good storyline in the show too.
I would honestly be more surprised if they didn’t get a spin off. TLC loves them.
Well, they are number 3 on my list of not to watch spinoffs if they happened, following Angela and Lil Ed, so it could be worse.
I will never watch a spin off show with them, never watched Family Chantel. I can barely tolerate the couples when they are on a 2nd season because it’s more likely fake and stretched out story lines.
Off topic but why is Gino with her if he’s not even into sex and seems like they don’t have sex? What is the purpose of everything he went through and tolerates with her and the money he needs to spend on her. I don’t understand the purpose of their relationship to him.
She’s a beard
Whats the purpose of investing so much money, time and energy on an international beard that he is not interested in having sex with. Also he is too old to need a beard. If he was a young guy trying to please his parents and family then it would make sense to get a beard. None of it makes any sense
I honestly break my brain trying to figure this out. They are so sexually incompatible. They have completely different spending habits and they can’t agree on anything.
I like the theory that he’s a cuck. He’s turned on by the abuse and her demeaning him left and right.
I think he was attracted to her in the very beginning. It seems like he got the ick from her but maybe they stay together for the show? If they broke up, no more TLC. For some reason I don’t think he’s a cuck or into being humiliated. He could have found that easily on a fetish site but instead he was on a sugar baby site. He also asks her to stop doing that and even told their therapist that’s why he doesn’t want to have sex with her, because of the way she treats him. It makes the most sense that at this point they don’t want to break up because that would probably mean quitting the show. So their relationship has become more a business partership.
It’s what everyone does. No one who does reality tv has an actual job. You have to be filmed every day, and no job is going to allow that (plus no one wants to watch sometime sitting at their desk doing a boring job anyway). TLC pay very well, so obviously Gino will give up his job. This is why Real Housewives don’t have real jobs but pretend to be entrepreneurs, and Darcey and Stacey have their “fashion label” 🙄
They don’t pay that well. I think it’s only about $1K-1.5K / episode.
They especially don’t pay well compared to whatever he was earning, and given her expensive tastes I don’t know why he thought it was a good move.
That’s a starting base salary. They’re making at least double what hat I’m sure as it’s their 3rd season.
Ok but let’s do the math here. 1,500 an episode. Let’s say they get paid 3,000 an episode (twice) season 9 of 90 day was 19 episodes long. That’s 57k each BEFORE taxes 114k before taxes for both.
You can totally live off that but, with Jasmin’s expensive taste. No way
I think the cheap ass negotiated a pay raise with Sharp / TLC
You might have a point. I strongly suspect the reason is not what he said.
He was probably asked to leave because his tv career is making the company look bad.
Didn’t he say he made like 800k in crypto or something? Whatever it was it felt like “that’s not quit your job money” money.
I also remember he said this or stocks not sure, he did mention earlier he wanted/was planning to retire soon.
I’m feeling like he was just laid off or something. I could see if he had said he was going part time for a few months to help jasmine get acclimated but full quitting? Nah not buying that