The way he try’s to call her bougee because she wants an indoor bathroom? And it doesn’t sound like she was raised rich, more like she was raised better than Rob and he’s trying to make the leap bigger than what it is. “You’re used to apartments in Dubai and Spain, but in poor America, we use communal bathrooms…” He has no ambitions to better in his life and I hope she see’s that before it’s too late…
So far I’ve seen nothing likable about him at all, nothing.
But. His eyes
Yea the dude fucking sucks
Mom was right all along. Dude is a huge knob.
A huge Red Door Knob!!
He has those crazy eyes like that guy from tik tok
What guy?
hahahah I immediately knew exactly who you were talking about
What guy from TikTok?
There Is No Such Thing As A Coincidence guy - there’s a lil more info and links here:
Zero. He’s irritating to watch, a waste of airtime.
He’s all “if you wanna be with me you gotta be down to earth” like he’s some prize and like not having a bathroom is acceptable as a 32 YO MAN. Nothing ab his living situation is acceptable for someone his age
32 y/o? I thought he was younger by the way he acts. Like an older looking dude in his early twenties. He’s living like a broke college student.
Especially not here in this economy. You can walk down the street anywhere and get a job or 2 or 3… but instead he’s more worried about when she can start working or asking her family for $. Loser.
He’s worse than Bilal and Julio and I didn’t think that was possible.
He is insufferable.