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The original was posted on /r/simracing by /u/TraditionNovel4951 on 2023-09-04 21:54:13+00:00.

Hey Simracers,

Bought my first VR set last week, the quest 2. Went on ams2 first cause i heard very good thing about the vr support. Now im messing around with settings and it doesnt feel stable at all. If im in game it spikes between 72 - 36 fps.

What i did;

ODT: bitrate to 500 (link cable), reso width 3664. Oculus app: resolution maximum/72hz. AMS2: MSAA high, 16x, textures on high, most other settings medium/low.

Is there something im missing here? Launching from OculusVR. Playing with a RX6800 Gigabyte OC, ryzen 5600, 32GB ram.

Hope someone can help here, as the actual VR experience feels super cool.