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The original was posted on /r/audiophile by /u/mcwilly123 on 2023-09-05 03:29:23+00:00.
Recently received a hand me down LP60 turntable.
We were getting a small amount of static/interference at times which I chalked up to it being a cheap table.
But as we fell in love with the world of vinyl I decided to upgrade to a Fluance RT82 + PA10 preamp. Now with the more sensitive equipment the interference is much worse. Tried with two different sets of powered speakers and the noise is the same on them both. At first I thought maybe the preamp was bad since we could power off the TT and the noise was still present. But after we tried a bunch of different cables and plugged everything in over and over and tried it all…
We found the wall outlets are what is causing it. The four outlets in the living room where the TT is set up cause huge static/interference. We basically moved the TT around the house and tried different wall outlets. The kitchen outlets eliminate the interference.
Our current fix is to run a 15 foot extension cord to an outlet near the kitchen which allows for minimal interference only heard at very loud volumes. Would a power conditioner help in this instance? I always thought they were snake oil, but clearly I have some electrical gremlins in my house. I’m referring to the $100+ “power bars” made by people like Furman that claim to reduce EMI/RFI.