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The original was posted on /r/nostupidquestions by /u/Dry-Cryptographer552 on 2023-09-04 16:38:01+00:00.

My (22F) boyfriend’s (22M) mum (50ishF) walks around the house completely naked at night. She sleeps naked and doesn’t get dressed to go to the bathroom, which is right next to my fiancés bedroom. My bf works odd hours so is usually awake at night when she gets up, and most nights she’ll poke her head around to door to check on them, or chat about something if she hadn’t seen him that day. When I stay over (we’re long distance due to uni) she will put a hoodie and shorts on, but I recently found out (via my bf’s sibling, 16NB) that they have all had conversations at night while she is naked. Is this weird? My bf apparently avoids looking at her but the sibling doesn’t particularly care, and will also walk around in just underwear but not naked. The reason I ask if because I would be MORTIFIED if I saw my mother naked and vice versa, but she and I have never been particularly affectionate people. My bf and their family are all really close, and often hug, kiss, and say “I love you”. Is this weird, or is it just me?