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The original was posted on /r/hometheater by /u/GroundUnderGround on 2023-09-05 03:12:46+00:00.
Planning out a new system for our apartment, replacing an older Sony sound bar and subwoofer. For reference: . Space is an apartment, ~400 sqft room with the TV off essentially in a corner. Can post a floor plan if relevant.
While it’s hard to imagine getting any worse with a dedicated system, not regressing is a pretty key part of the WAF. Current plan is a Denon AVR, KEF Q150x2 and a KEF Q250c. Surrounds won’t really work in the space so planning a 3.something system.
My dilemma is the sub. Current building is wood frame, and we hear everything and assume everyone hears us. With the current sub we have no issues but I’m assuming this is just because it’s terrible? And anything worth the money would be too much for the building?
Would this be in any way worse than the current system?