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The original was posted on /r/hometheater by /u/killerpreztail on 2023-09-05 00:16:11+00:00.

I’m currently throwing together a speaker setup and I’m leaning to Monolith for my sets.

I’m leaning a bit towards the towers because They’re only $40 more for much larger speakers, but to be fair, my room is small (10X10) so I doubt I would really need the volume the towers would provide, so I suppose the main determining factor between these two would be the quality itself.

Does anyone have any experience as to which tend to sound better? I suppose the B5 would also be more convenient in terms of space, since I can buy a bookshelf to put them on along with various other things.

Encore B5 ($50 each)

Encore T5 ($90 each)