I got a refurbished 2019 MacBook Pro 16" on amazon a couple days ago. I checked the battery count at it’s at 385 cycles. Is this good or bad? I paid under $600.
What is an ideal battery cycle amount when buying refurbished macs?
Whilst battery cycles can give you an insight into battery usage I think many people get too hung up on it.
How long does the battery last after full charge, is it a decent amount of time based on your usage patterns i.e you might be plugged in most the day then you can decide on if it’s fit for you and if it’s a good deal.
The battery is designed for ~1000 full charge cycles. What is the remaining battery capacity in percentage?
It won’t give me the percentage, even when I do the system report. Not sure why.
If the remaining battery capacity is more than 85% then this will be an excellent choice. If less than 80%, be prepared to replace the battery. And it would be nice to see the battery status in MacOS - it should be “normal”