AMD is weaning the market off its older gaming graphics card series that predate the Radeon RX 5000 series. The company is reportedly putting older GPUs based on the "Vega" and "Polaris" graphics architectures on a slower driver update track, which means driver updates to these GPUs will be less fre...
Nvidia still has Maxwell (2013) still ‘supported’ in the main driver releases (some generational specific bugs don’t get fixed). AMD has a pattern now of just dropping multiple generations of support from their driver package, even if the cards are perfectly usable in some instances.
They aren’t dropping support, they are ‘only’ dropping the priority for those.
Should they be doing this? No. Are they dropping support? Also no.
I highly doubt AMD are going to keep vega with critical security support until 2029. Vega is still a 2024 product, not giving them at least 5 yrs support is very bad.
If AMD dont wanna support architecture for so long, may be they should have start using RDNA iGPU back in 5000 series, and stop selling any vega APU in 2020 onward.
Vega is a 2024 product? They will be selling them next year?
Also, they might support it, you don’t know yet. Let’s criticise AMD for what they are doing, not for what they might do.