I find it so depressing. The men’s game has had 150 of growth, investment, competition, evolution and wealth pumped into it.

Almost every delevopment in the game has been with male body in mind from the size of the pitch to the uniforms to the boots and even the sports science.

The male game has an advantage of social norms, roles and expectations that have allowed them to develop and maintain the game. It has had elite competitions for almost 100 years.

Irrelevant of the quality of women’s football, whether it could beat the men’s, or if it’ll ever hold the same popularity, the derision and misogyny that streams from men towards needs to be called out.

It’s pathetic . Video after video of female footballers littered with guffawing males showing fragility and misogyny that is undeserved.

We need to start calling it out, put the women’s game in to some context and support whole.