Americans have way more disposable income (yes, even after accounting for healthcare expenses) on average than Europeans, so you’ve been taking that W every year, at least.
Including sales tax, iPhone 15 Pro costs roughly $1,200 in my country, and pretty sure my larger salary doesn’t make up for the extra costs we have with healthcare and way less time off work than you guys get. So the grass may still be greener on that side :)
So come over here in eastern Europe and work for less than $1,200 per month while housing is unaffordable with over 1000 EURO per square meter. But yey, you get an extra holiday or two per year.
As an American in my 30s it feels like it’s been a life time of L’s
You’ve grown up in one history’s wealthiest and best off nations. Maybe it’s time to get some perspective
Americans have way more disposable income (yes, even after accounting for healthcare expenses) on average than Europeans, so you’ve been taking that W every year, at least.
iphone 15 pro costs $1,333 in my EU country and my salary is much smaller, so its not all greener grass over here
Including sales tax, iPhone 15 Pro costs roughly $1,200 in my country, and pretty sure my larger salary doesn’t make up for the extra costs we have with healthcare and way less time off work than you guys get. So the grass may still be greener on that side :)
So come over here in eastern Europe and work for less than $1,200 per month while housing is unaffordable with over 1000 EURO per square meter. But yey, you get an extra holiday or two per year.