ICLR 2024 paper reviews are visible on OpenReview. I thought to create a discussion thread for us to discuss any issue/complain/celebration or anything else.
There is so much noise in the reviews every year. Some good work that the authors are proud of might get a low score because of the noisy system, given that ICLR is growing so large these years. We should keep in mind that the work is still valuable no matter what the score is.
In the same boat, stuck with reviewers who don’t want to engage. Don’t know what to do. Does anyone with advice on how to get a reply from reviewers who are active?
There is basically no way. There are many reasons they might not reply, including being sick or occupied with their own borderline papers. Try to be professional about it: post a reminder and then let the Area Chairs (ACs) handle it. Most ACs are well aware of these types of situations. They will most likely place less weight on those non-engaging reviews. Good luck with your rebuttal!
That’s great, healthy POV and advice. Thank you.
Although my thought process was a bit different, that is what I did as well.