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The original was posted on /r/datahoarder by /u/JadensWebMC on 2023-08-31 08:55:33+00:00.

(Copied from my post over at the Google Photos subreddit thingy, yea sorry kinda new to Reddit - I was informed back there that I should make a thread thingy here for this problem, so here I am! XD)

No idea why in some places… there’s double spaces??.. but ok. Not gonna fix this. Sorry OCDers.

I’m going to preface this thing by saying that yes, I have exhausted all avenues that I read about or saw or discovered through research, there isn’t much info on this that isn’t just redundant that I could find. I probably just don’t know how to use Google, right?

Let’s start this off by saying… I have very fast internet, at least for my standards. I have 1G down and 35Mb up (ok my up sucks shut up), despite this, I am UNABLE to download all of my Google data via Google Takeout, because… on the offchance that it doesn’t fail to collect the data outright, or collects a smaller amount than it did before (when nothing had changed since then), it only gives me 1 WEEK to download all of it, before it… obviously gets deleted since that’s a LOT of data for them to store.

I need to download HUNDREDS of 50GB files in one week. This challenge is a massive one for me, let’s go through the steps.

Browser downloading:

Ok, nice and simple. Doesn’t work worth a damn. This is, however, the only way I can reliably-ish download 75% of my data in that week. I say reliably-ish because it’ll only let me download 4-6 files at once, and sometimes not even more than 2 or it’ll allocate all the speed to one file and let the others die off for no good reason. If I try to download any more than 5 at once (you know, for time-efficiency so I can get some sleep) it will sometimes download all 5 ok, but about a quarter of the time, one will just fail randomly at some point. The chance is doubled this will happen when downloading 6 files at once, but this time for 2 files as well, so quadruple the risk really, which just makes it just as bad as anything else. Keep in mind that I will ALWAYS only get under 24MB/s download speed either with one file or spread across multiple downloading files. This is not practical for downloading 170x50GB files in one week, it’s just not gonna happen. I calculated that if all I did was sit at my desk and click on a new file to download as soon as one was finished and just didn’t sleep for a whole week, it actually WOULD be possible, but… that was me when I was 15yo, not me at 20. I can’t do that sh*t anymore, and I shouldn’t be expected to, amirite?

Download managers:

Yea, sure. Let’s try that. Ok, I’ve been using a cool thingy called JDownloader, which is a known good download manager and has been for a very long time, and I am used to using it already so I gave it a shot, and it took me a few tries before it caught the download link, which doesn’t normally happen, and I let it download. I got sustained 41MB/s. This is the same speed when I had 400Mb down, 500Mb down and now that I have 1Gb down. It never goes any faster, or even any slower either.

Now, you would think this would be perfect!.. except that it has a 65% chance of failing… probably because of Google’s stupid security thingy expiring from the link. Really annoying. It just quits downloading and fails. Sometimes, however, it will actually finish downloading, and because the speed is so good, takes like 5 minutes or something! - If only I could do more at once… but no that doesn’t work at all, they ALWAYS fail no matter what I try.

Another downloader maybe? Free Download Manager. Ok, yea no. This one… just doesn’t like half the links I give it, and when it does decide it likes one, and starts “downloading”, it’ll go back and forth between 41MB/s and 0MB/s, like it keeps getting kicked off. This one doesn’t work at all for this.

Hm… what about the one that’s seemingly the most prolific, Internet Download Manger? This software is paid, so again that’s yet another time limit I can’t have before the trial ends and f*cks everything up, so how about no. Also it keeps screwing up my browsing experience, I couldn’t find any way of getting it to just leave and stop grabbing all of my downloads into itself, really uncool. No guides or anything worked to solve that issue, or really any of the other issues listed here! It’s like no one is even having them!


ONLY Dropbox would potentially work for this… literally. None of the other ones offered by Takeout that store the data for more than a week go up to 10TB, which again, the highest I’ve gotten it to collect is just under 9TB, so I need SOME wiggleroom, and even then none go to 8TB anyway so it’s moot for them, so Dropbox it is, which doesn’t even actually offer this EITHER… I just happened to get someone on the live chat that “understood” my rough situation and helped me into a loophole that I could wiggle my way into having 10TB of storage… just can’t add payment info and forget to remove it… because after that free trial ends… that’s a $2000+ bill for Dropbox!

So, I set Takeout to JUST do YouTube data for ONE of my brand accounts, the biggest one, the 9TB one, and I wait a monumental period of time, a week and a half, to wake up to see it… had… FAILED!?

Yes, it did do some of the zips and crap however, but it got to 70 50GB parts before it crapped out and told me it couldn’t collect my god damn data. At that point, half of my Dropbox trial from this process was over, and there just simply wasn’t more time to f*ck around with this again.

One smart person might say… well why not just create one Takeout archive, download up to 50 of the zips, then create a new Takeout archive one right after and do the same for the next 50 zips and so on? Well… there’s multiple problems with this that shouldn’t be problems in the first place! As I mentioned before, the highest collection on the same account which never gets any changes made to it outside of Google Takeout is just under 9TB. This means it doesn’t get the same data every time. Not only that, but what’s even worse is that the data is completely unsorted in the zips! - From one archive to the next, there is absolutely no way in hell to know or figure out what zips will include what information at all, let alone download them intelligently using this info. Plus doing this would just be annoying.

People MUST be having these issues, because there’s YouTube channels that have been doing DAILY 4K YouTube uploads for 8+YEARS, like Linus Tech Tips for example… woah did it just get chilly or something… ANYWAY - Theirs would be even LARGER than mine!

Ok. There IS this Google Data Request Form that I was directed to when I finally got someone at Google on the damn phone a few weeks back, so I submitted it, and I still haven’t heard back in over 3 weeks since that day at all, so I literally 5 minutes before typing this out submitted another one with even more information.

I am so sorry if this is completely off-topic, but I just saw someone else that asked a very similar question, and this does deal with Google Photos, I need that data too, it’s just not as large of a portion of the Google data for me as something like YouTube is, so that’s why this focused on the YouTube portion, but it’s theoretically the exact same problem as if someone has 9TB of Google Photos data that they need to get downloaded. I am also extremely desperate to get SOME SOLUTION to this problem that’s plagued almost 3 years of my digital life.