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The original was posted on /r/electricians by /u/high_on_rum on 2023-08-31 02:18:36+00:00.
So I recently got my journeyman license (yayyy I’m now a slave for life, no going back) I’m a commercial electrician for new construction, that’s all I’ve really done. But I don’t want to do that forever.
It’s got me thinking… What’s next? I could get my master’s in a few years, but that’s if I want to go start my own business. I want to get into controls, learn plc’s, learn low voltage etc. I am still ambitious is what I’m getting at. I make good enough money, but I was wondering what else there is out there in this field? There has to be some cool jobs I could go apprentice at, or some new skills to learn or schooling I could go to to expand this.
I know there are countless options, but I want to get paid more, and feel like I’m living up to my potential. Who out there has some jobs in the field that are kind of hidden gems? Any ideas brothers?
TLDR: searching for higher paying jobs in the field that people don’t know about.