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The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/No-Requirement-9705 on 2023-08-31 11:05:35+00:00.
When it comes to discussions of what the future hopefully has in store for us, topics typically center around AI/AGI/ASI, FDVR/FIVR, GiTS styled “full body prosthesis” robot body, mind uploading, anti-aging, and immortality. Oh and recently a lot about room temperature super conductors.
But lets forget about all that for a moment and talk about the undiscussed tech that intrigues us. Me for example, I’ve been wanting respirocytes for 20 years now if not over. I remember the day I learned about them from a magazine, long before I ever read the word transhuman and my idea of a cyborg still looked a lot like Robocop. Here was an upgrade that left you looking normal and capable of still running (have you ever seen classic Robocop running?) and the benefits seemed mind blowing. Exercise all day, run all day, and never feel out of breath or tired (outside muscle strain), go free diving and hold your breath for literal hours before needing to come back up for air. Even at like 12 or 13 I was like “I need these in my veins now!”
Respirocytes sounded like this cool futuristic technology, the cutting edge of nanotech and medicine, and it’s what first really opened my mind to the possibilities of the future and changing ourselves. But…you never read about it, no one discusses it, there’s nothing about research being done into making this happen. It’s just a trivia thing most people don’t know about.
What tech do you want to see that’s not discussed daily/weekly? Let’s talk about something other than AGI minduploading the Matrix/RPO/SAO VR and whatever else is already covered here all the time. What would you like to see discussed more?