I am new to nixOS. I hear github is moving away from git. Will nixOS be able to pull from it still or will we just lose access to every flake on github at once?
Why should GitHub move away from git? It’s even in their name.
I really wonder how fake news like that is created, that doesn’t make any sense.
I think it’s just a misinterpretation of GitHub’s recent “GitHub was founded on Git, now it’s re-founded on Copilot” press release
That would be an extremely wild interpretation
It will just become Hub.
What happens if they move away from hub? Will we be left just staring into a blank void?
Apparently I got fake news’d
GitHub leaving git? What would they do, force you to use some other version control system of their own invention? It’s just a weird techbro push for “more AI”, their version control stuff is not likely to change much.
To answer your question; nix can survive just fine without Github. It would be a pain for sure, but thanks to overrides, even if someone doesn’t update their flake, you can effectively update it for them by overriding the fetch tools and having them redirect the calls to github to somewhere else.
Really living up to your username ;)
Not fake news, just some marketing stuff. As far as the gh command (GitHub CLI), that’s more for GitHub specific things like creating pull requests from the command line rather than GitHub.com. It’s just a wrapper for the GitHub API
What does this even mean, it’s called GitHub, not Hub.