Okay so when I finish reading a book I loved, I’ll often write a short review or give it a good rating and leave it at that. But with books I hate it’s different, in fact sometimes I’ll be midway and not want to continue reading but my desire to “hate” on it properly and my curiosity to how worse it can get will motivate me to finish it so I can write a long essay on why it was bad. It’s not tiring, it actually comes very easily but I can’t help but think sometimes if I have an issue or other people might feel or act like that.

  • soupdragon2020@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I love reviews like that! Books can be bad in kind of an interesting way, if you know what I mean? Often you can at least see what they were aiming for or why enough people liked them for them to get published, and it’s fun trying to figure out what didn’t quite work. Particularly when you read a not so great book by an author you otherwise enjoy- it gives some insight into what does work about their better books. Sort of like learning how a machine operates when it breaks down and you try to fix it.

    It can just be a bit naff when the reviewer doesn’t really get what the book is trying to do to begin with. Quite a few Goodreads reviews are basically ‘this is the first book I’ve ever read in X genre and it sucks because it’s not like the books I prefer in Y genre.’