I am of the understanding that buying books online is hardly worth anything because you don’t actually own anything. Maybe you own the digital file? I’m not sure. I don’t trust the longevity of it, though.

I’m told a lot (mainly by my Dad) that its a good idea to print those out to keep them. However, I’m talking about books that are easily 200+ pages.

I don’t know if its worth the ink or money to print them out. At that point would it be better to just buy a book?

  • Tom_Bombadilio@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I agree with this in principle but for me personally I have owned a tablet reader early on and tried to use it but just couldn’t read consistently. I tried again when they switched to the non glare paper white screens thinking maybe that’s what kept me from reading digital like I do paper but I still just couldn’t bring myself to read after a while. I tried to force myself to do it but I just can’t get engrossed in a digital file. I gave both of those readers away to people in the hopes that they could use them and wrote off my losses.

    I buy cheap mass market paper back books usually and store them in boxes and if I read them twice and I really like it I might switch to a hardback edition and throw them on my nice shelves. They take up space yeah but for me its a choice between buying physical books or not reading at all basically.