23M from the USA studying my masters in energy engineering in Munich, Germany.

I have enjoyed Munich so far (1 year in) and made some occasional, hang out sometimes on the weekends type friends, but no close friends I can talk to daily or every other day about anything deeper than surface level stuff. I am scared this will just continue if I choose to live here long term, as making friends in Germany without speaking German is notoriously hard. If I were offered an internship or full time position, I would make it a priority to learn German.

I was planning to go back to the US to start looking for jobs after graduating, but I might have an opportunity to intern and then maybe work at a famous Bavarian automotive company as a battery engineer. I love the benefits of working here and work-life balance, even at a lower salary. The salary at this company is also a bit higher than other companies in the region for my position.

This has got me thinking where would you guys recommend to stay?

Weather is not an issue for me as I really enjoy Munich’s weather — it is pretty similar to the Northeast where I’m from.


  • Separate_Positive728@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I just spent a year in Germany but I had to reconsider my decision to stay …….Germany is a wonderful and beautiful place……if you’re German. You will be expected to adapt to the German ways of life (in addition to learning very fluent German, no small feat) As an American I feel more individualistic, which doesn’t quite fly there……if I don’t feel like sweeping the front of my house on Saturday morning like everyone else I don’t want to be shamed into it……I recently moved to Bansko, Bulgaria ……at least people mind their own damn business……

    • EU-Howdie@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      On Saturday morning German WOMEN have to sweep their house inside and outside their house the front. MEN … wash and clean their cars, check oil, and check airpressure of the tires (Reifen), check if all lights are working, clean interior of their cars etc. And yes, I say cars. In Germany it is said, better a second car then a second child. Our son has two children … but three cars LOL