So I am rewatching Love in Paradise (S2), and the entire time Daniele is saying she is worried that Yohan’s intentions are to go the US. She said that going to the US was absolutely not an option for her. This was before they got married, so if Yohan was not happy with Danielle’s ultimatum to stay in the DR, he should have never married her in the first place. I think she made herself as clear as she possibly could.

I’ve seen on various threads in the sub that Danielle promised to take Yohan to the US, but then once she moved to the DR that she broke her promise and decided to stay in the DR, and that’s why Yohan’s been acting out in the most recent seasons.

Danielle specifically tells Yohan before their marriage that moving to the US is not an option for her, because it’s very expensive:

  1. When she meets Yohan’s family before they get married, she also make it very clear that the US is not an option, that she would like to stay in the DR, and that she would like the both of them to work.
  2. Before getting married, they met with that couples counsellor who spoke both english and spanish. The whole reason they met with this woman was because Danielle was worried Yohan may misperceive that Danielle wants to take him to the US, when she doesn’t. It was explained to Yohan in Spanish that this was not an option. He also got the chance to express himself that he really wants to go to the US.
  3. The days before their marriage, Danielle and Yohan had countless arguments about this topic as well, but Danielle stood her ground and said that she was absolutely not going back to the US.

1 day later, Yohan and her get married anyway… So I am wondering why so many people on this sub are blaming Danielle for “promising” to take Yohan to the US and offer him a better life. She clearly stated that it was not what she wanted, and Yohan had the chance to break off the engagement if he felt that not moving to the US was a dealbreaker.

Don’t get me wrong, I think Danielle is a horrible person also. If I truly loved my partner, then I would take them to the US to provide for themselves and their family, especially after seeing the kind of poverty Yohan’s family lived in. Also, I would have never married someone who wasn’t on the same page as me, so Danielle was delusional for that (and so was Yohan). Danielle also knew that Yohan could not provide her the lifestyle she wanted. She wanted to live in an expensive gated community and asked him to contribute $1300/monthly and just continues to rent a car for $900/monthly instead of buying one, so now I know why she was 300k in debt in the US. However, Yohan, for someone who earns so little a month, managed to eat $300 worth of peanuts from the hotel mini bar, which also shows he has 0 regard for the concept of other people’s money. Anyways, I digress…

My point is, Danielle made it pretty clear from the start that her intentions were to stay in DR, and not move to the US. Yohan had the option to call of the wedding at this point, but he didn’t. So genuine question, why are we shitting on Danielle for promising to take Yohan to the US, when she was always so clear that she didn’t want to do that?

  • Omgusernamesaretaken@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    That exactly how i remember it as well, then see all these posts basically saying shes a bitch for flipping the script on him after marrying. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • gilsleeping@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Yeah it seems like that was an issue that was at sort of an impasse with them. But she essentially made the final decision when she bought a 1 way to the DR without telling him. (If my memory is correct)

  • Boss-Not-Bossy@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    As someone who hasn’t watched their season of Love in Paradise and only saw them for the first time on The Other Way, their story was definitely framed as Yohan didn’t know that they weren’t moving to the US. The cringe airport scene comes to mind where Danielle laughs as she tells the producer, in English, that she is permanently moving to the DR and that Yohan doesn’t know that she’s never bringing him to the US. At least through editing, the audience is led to believe that she lied to him.

    I think they’re both skeezy.