So I’ve never been to a meet and greet with an author, but in December Christopher Paolini will be coming to my country and I’d love to go see him. He’ll be here for a promotional tour of his latest novel Murtagh, however I would love to have my old copy of Eragon (another one of his books) signed. That is of course if he does decide to sign books at the meetings :)
I was wondering, would that be allowed? Would it be ok? I did buy the new book, but I just have a way stronger connection with Eragon and would love to get an autograph there lol
Yes, I asked Terry Pratchett to sign a copy of my favourite of his books (The Truth) at a signing for a different book (which I was also getting signed.)
Just don’t be an ass about it. General etiquette:
Buy the book the signing is for too.
Don’t show up with a big stack of books to have signed.
If the writer or the venue is only doing signings of the new book, don’t expect that you get to be the exception to the rule.
u/ChristopherPaolini is a regular on Reddit and has confirmed this is cool on a similar thread. I’m seeing him next week and will be doing the same.
Check your signing’s rules. For my signing, it said Christopher would sign unlimited older books. You also had to show proof of purchase of the book from the site to enter the signing line. This may or may not be required at yours.
Yes, but in my experience the author (Bill Bryson) only wrote a personalized signature on the new book that was being promoted. The older book was only signed with his name- but that’s ok- I got two signed books! : )
Check the terms and conditions of the event. Some require you to buy the book there if you want to get it signed. Some allow a bought book plus X additional items. Some will allow you get whatever you bring signed as long as it’s not getting out of hand … it really depends on the event. And it’s usually not the author who’s making the rules.
I asked John Scalzi to sign my copy of Old Man’s War when he was touring to support something a few years ago, and he was happy to do it. I even got a goodhearted/snarky note with his signature, haha.
Big tip, write your name on a piece of paper and slip it in on the page you want him to sign. That way it’s faster and he doesn’t have to ask how to spell your name.
I’ve done this - brought the old book but didn’t buy the new one; the author signed the old book but the atmosphere was a tad frosty and I felt slightly embarrassed! [wouldn’t do this again.]
If you’ve already bought the new book, he’ll be more than happy to sign both, you don’t have to buy it on the day you meet him - it makes no difference, it’s all income for his book.
Cringe indeed! :)
Cringe indeed! :)
I once took some of my favourite books (from when I was a teen) to get signed by an author as an adult. I bought one of the ones they were promoting but also brought my olds ones and asked if it was okay if they signed them. This particular author was so thrilled that I had the first print run copies of these books from years back.
It was a really lovely experience. I say take the old book, and yes bring the new one, and just ask if he’d be okay signing your older copy of Eragon.