So is the lesson to not be an advocate for the whole lbgt thing? Because dozens of footballers joined the saudi league from Europe this summer and as far as i can see the only one getting this kind of negative reaction is the one guy who went out of his way to be an ally for them.
Who’s discouraging support? I’m not sure you realise why people are actually annoyed with Henderson.
If he was really a supporter of lgbt people, why would he work in a country where it is ILLEGAL for us to be there? If I wanted to go and see Henderson play over there, I’d be arrested before I left the airport.
Imagine if singer claimed to be in support of domestic violence victims, and then went and made a song with Chris Brown. Would you then be angry at domestic violence victims for condemning the singer?
Henderson said yes to a ludicrously lucrative contract offer at the end of his playing career, just about every adult in the world who wasnt born rich would do the same for the sake of his family, but so did a lot of other players. Henderson is the only one singled out for criticism though, because he actually took a pro-lgbt stand in public, so the moral of this is to not support lgbt, yes?
So is the lesson to not be an advocate for the whole lbgt thing? Because dozens of footballers joined the saudi league from Europe this summer and as far as i can see the only one getting this kind of negative reaction is the one guy who went out of his way to be an ally for them.
Funny way to say “don’t throw away all your supposed ‘morals’ for a bag of cash and expect no pushback”
But the people who said nothing about lbgt get no pushback, so clearly they’re better off, no?
Why would they get pushback?
They never claimed to support lgbt people so why would we have issue with them?
Right, so the lesson is to not support lgbt issues.
(Weird lesson…)
That’s a weird way of saying don’t be a sellout…
You would think the lgbt community would want high profile athletes to support their cause though. Seems counterintuitive to discourage it.
Who’s discouraging support? I’m not sure you realise why people are actually annoyed with Henderson.
If he was really a supporter of lgbt people, why would he work in a country where it is ILLEGAL for us to be there? If I wanted to go and see Henderson play over there, I’d be arrested before I left the airport.
Imagine if singer claimed to be in support of domestic violence victims, and then went and made a song with Chris Brown. Would you then be angry at domestic violence victims for condemning the singer?
Henderson said yes to a ludicrously lucrative contract offer at the end of his playing career, just about every adult in the world who wasnt born rich would do the same for the sake of his family, but so did a lot of other players. Henderson is the only one singled out for criticism though, because he actually took a pro-lgbt stand in public, so the moral of this is to not support lgbt, yes?