Why are they booing him, he’s right
You can think of Netanyahu what you want but to compare him to a man who was responsible for the industrial murder and genocide of over 6 million Jews is just incredibly poor taste because as horrific as the situation for the Palestinian civilians might be - saying things like this is just straight up downplaying what happened during the Holocaust.
Don’t know it’s poor taste when the comparisons are so evidently similar. Palestinians have been murdered since 1948, it’s 100% a genocide. The crazy thing is, people fought to liberate the Jews from the holocaust and no one in actual power is helping to liberate the Palestinian people. I don’t see how there’s any issues making this comparison and more of a benefit for Palestinian people. Who are being oppressed.
Netanyahu is literally a holocaust revisionist.
Funny since netanyahu himself downplays nazis and hitler only to push his agenda forward, sayin hitler didnt want to exterminate jewish people but was convinced by muslim
Also the likud party has coughed up more than enough genocidal comments in the past month, comparing their rhetoric to nazis isnt out of this world
There’s also a nice documentary out there about how Israel treats its holocaust survivors. Most of them live in poverty and looked down upon.
He said nothing wrong, comn son Bibi even invoked him and I quote “Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews”
Do the whole quote atleast, it’s better in full
I mean it’s almost the same situation, it’s not like the allies were fighting Hitler because of the Holocaust
It’s all political bullshit and the civilians who suffer the most
Anyway how long do you guys think it will take before 🔒
probably not a smart post to make, but i get it
I hope for they day that Hitler or the Nazis won’t be used as the example for everything . Everyside calls the others Nazi in every modern war
Man the Arabs really have taken over football, what the fuck are these comments.
The guy who made the comments isn’t even arab.
This is the by far the most pro-Palestine major sub on reddit. It’s been that way as long as I can remember. Certainly long before the Saudis/Qataris started taking an interest in football. Normally, it doesn’t come up often, so you might not notice it, but obviously, it’s been thrust center stage since October 7th.
Best advice I can give if you if you disagree/don’t care is to just avoid any thread pertaining to Israel or Palestine and to avoid mentioning either, especially Israel.
I mean it’s weird to just have such a massive anti-Semitic force here but yeah. I’ll leave the pro Hamas lot to it
Wheres the anti semetic comment here bud? Or are you the type that labels anything anti israeli as anti Semitic and pro hamas
Your “the arabs taking over football” comment kinda answers it tho
Yet to see any anti-semetic posts here myself. Do you mean anti Israel government’s policies? Like in the way I’m also largely anti US foreign policy? Am I racist against white people in the US?
It’s not anti-semitic to believe that the human rights of civilians and different ethnic groups should be respected, and that various war crimes should be condemned.
First time in r/soccer?😂
Oh no not the arabs
he cooked