A couple years back an old friend passed away. We hadn’t talked in a few years, but we’re like brothers once upon a time. The last time we spoke he was twitch streaming while painting Warhammer minis. I knew nothing about 40k but when I heard he passed I began to consume lore videos and novels as a way to process. I flip flop daily on my favorite faction or novels. But the singular constant is my connection to an old friend.

I’d like to ask Lemmy, what got you into 40k, and how does it relate to your real life?

  • Hrothgar59@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    My mates and I used to play D&D(coloured box sets) back in the day and one of my mates friends brought over Rogue Trader and a bunch of GW miniatures, we played all day and at the end the guy said he was interested in picking up a different game (I don’t remember what), and offered to sell me everything he had for $40, It was a lot of money back then but a good deal so I bought it, and I’m still painting and playing today.