What are the pros and cons of each? I’ve seen slow paced (non hustle) countries being romanticized , but personally I struggle in such places.

What are your thoughts? Where are you now and is it slow/fast paced? What do you like there?

  • bagmami@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I know a majority of France works like this but there are some very cut throat work fields. I’m not saying this to oppose or prove you wrong but just to offer a perspective. My husband works with a lot of companies and start ups. While his colleagues usually stick to 35h work week, he refuses to leave the office before 8pm. And that’s him slowed down. Before it was 9, 10, 11… he travels frequently and goes back to work in the morning even if he arrived late at night. He pushes, pushes and pushes… sometimes accepts meetings with Americans at 9pm. After he gets back home already late, he spends around half an hour wrapping up and replying emails. Takes calls on weekends, public holidays and he hasn’t stopped working during our vacations. Yes, we take a month long time off during August but the poor thing works through it. I had to wait for him for an hour by the pool so that he can finish a call or an email to join me so many times. It’s unthinkable for him and his goals to manage his life any other way. But he’s extremely dissatisfied because he says that his projects gets shut down for small silly reasons, his bosses don’t respect his hustle and some of the higher ups are straight incompetent and some expect more from him but more in terms of things that you can easily overlook for an overachiever like him. They don’t appreciate his enthusiasm at all and weigh him down with small stupid dysfunctional stuff.

    In our friends group, a guy founded his own tech start up and works on an even crazier schedule than my husband. He almost cannot function outside work. His wife has her own wellness brand and she takes appointments with her clients for 12h straight sometimes and travels once a month to offer her services elsewhere too.

    Another lawyer friend started his own firm and I’ve witnessed him pulling 2 all nighters in a row.

    Interesting thing is that, employers will expect results that can only be produced by people who work with this rhythm but shot down any efforts if anyone is working at this speed because those employees will also be highly demanding support, flexibility, responsiveness and compensation. I see those people as small groups of vigilantes trying to make it work in a hostile environment.