Can someone help me providing the modified code for exporting scale arg

import io

import numpy as np

import onnx

import onnxruntime as ort

import shutil

from PIL import Image

from pathlib import Path

from import *

# NOTE: Currently assumes we're running from the root directory of the Real-ESRGAN repo so the weights and input image

# are loaded using paths relative to that.

_this_dirpath = Path(__file__).parent

def create_onnx_model(onnx_model_path: str):

import torch

from RealESRGAN import RealESRGAN

weights_path = 'weights/RealESRGAN_x4.pth'

if not Path(weights_path).exists():

raise ValueError(f"{weights_path} not found. Please download the RealESRGAN_x4.pth weights as per "


device = torch.device('cpu')

esrgan_model = RealESRGAN(device, scale=4)

esrgan_model.load_weights(weights_path, download=True)

# We export the torch model in the RealESRGAN \model` property`

torch_model = esrgan_model.model

# set the model to inference mode


# Create random input to the model

x = torch.randn(1, 3, 240, 240)

# Export the model

torch.onnx.export(torch_model, # model being run

(x, ), # model input (or a tuple for multiple inputs)

onnx_model_path, # where to save the model (can be a file or file-like object)

export_params=True, # store the trained parameter weights inside the model file

opset_version=15, # the ONNX version to export the model to

do_constant_folding=True, # whether to execute constant folding for optimization

input_names=['input'], # the model's input names

output_names=['output']) # the model's output names

def add_pre_post_processing(input_model_path: str, output_model_path: str):

# we do a Resize with anti-aliasing which requires ONNX opset 18 in onnxruntime version 1.14 or later

from packaging import version

if version.parse(ort.__version__) < version.parse("1.14.0"):

raise ValueError("ONNX Runtime version 1.14 or later required. Please update your onnxruntime python package.")

onnx_opset = 18

model = onnx.load(input_model_path)

inputs = [create_named_value("image", onnx.TensorProto.UINT8, ["num_bytes"])]

# infer the input sizes from the model.

model_input_shape = model.graph.input[0].type.tensor_type.shape

w_in = model_input_shape.dim[-1].dim_value

h_in = model_input_shape.dim[-2].dim_value

pipeline = PrePostProcessor(inputs, onnx_opset)



ConvertImageToBGR(), # jpg/png image to BGR in HWC layout

ReverseAxis(axis=2, dim_value=3, name="BGR_to_RGB"), # BGR to RGB

Resize((h_in, w_in), layout='HWC'),

CenterCrop(h_in, w_in), # CenterCrop requires HWC

ChannelsLastToChannelsFirst(), # HWC to CHW

ImageBytesToFloat(), # convert to float in range 0..1

Unsqueeze([0]), # add batch dimensions





Squeeze([0]), # remove batch dimensions

FloatToImageBytes(), # convert back to uint8

Transpose(perms=[1, 2, 0], name="CHW_to_HWC"), # channels first to channels last

ReverseAxis(axis=2, dim_value=3, name="RGB_to_BGR"), # RGB to BGR

ConvertBGRToImage(image_format="png", name="convert_to_png"),



new_model =

onnx.save_model(new_model, output_model_path)

def test_onnx_model(model_path: str):

from onnxruntime_extensions import get_library_path

so = ort.SessionOptions()

so.graph_optimization_level = ort.GraphOptimizationLevel.ORT_ENABLE_EXTENDED

# register the custom operators for the image decode/encode pre/post processing provided by onnxruntime-extensions

# with onnxruntime. if we do not do this we'll get an error on model load about the operators not being found.

ortext_lib_path = get_library_path()


inference_session = ort.InferenceSession(model_path, so)

test_image_path = _this_dirpath / 'MauiSuperResolution' / 'Resources' / 'Raw' / 'lr_lion.png'

test_image_bytes = np.fromfile(test_image_path, dtype=np.uint8)

outputs =['image_out'], {'image': test_image_bytes})

upsized_image_bytes = outputs[0]

original_img =

updated_img =

# centered crop of original to match the area processed

def _center_crop_to_square(img: Image):

if img.height != img.width:

target_size = img.width if img.width < img.height else img.height

w_start = int(np.floor((img.width - target_size) / 2))

w_end = w_start + target_size

h_start = int(np.floor((img.height - target_size) / 2))

h_end = h_start + target_size

return img.crop((w_start, h_start, w_end, h_end))


return img

original_cropped_img = _center_crop_to_square(original_img)

new_width, new_height = updated_img.size

# create a side-by-side image with both.

# resize the original to the model input size followed by the output size so the processing is more equivalent

original_cropped_img = original_cropped_img.resize((240, 240))

resized_orig_img = original_cropped_img.resize((new_width, new_height))

combined ='RGB', (new_width * 2, new_height))

combined.paste(resized_orig_img, (0, 0))

combined.paste(updated_img, (new_width, 0))'Original resized vs Super Resolution resized')

#'Original resized vs Super Resolution resized.png', format='PNG')

def main():

onnx_model_path = Path('RealESRGAN.onnx')

if not onnx_model_path.exists():

print("Creating ONNX model from pytorch model...")


assert onnx_model_path.exists()

print("Adding pre/post processing to ONNX model...")

output_model_path = str(onnx_model_path).replace(".onnx", "_with_pre_post_processing.onnx")

add_pre_post_processing(str(onnx_model_path), output_model_path)

print("Testing ONNX model with pre/post processing")


print("Copying ONNX model to MAUI applications Resources/Raw directory...")


_this_dirpath / 'MauiSuperResolution' / 'Resources' / 'Raw')

if __name__ == '__main__':


  • Corde_95@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    cm = si + f = ass + n = w = f = f + y = fos + x = w + x + z = ass = wx + z + x plus or minus - unit unit = ws + w = w / v = wm + wx = wt + wm = ww + ws = wd + yx + y + z