I am in the lucky position, to be very happy with my setup (DMP-A6, MA352, 802D4). But for the fun of it I got me a DMP-A6 Master Edition - just to find out, if I would hear the difference. Actually: I can not say. But what I found: Often, when I switch, the newly selected device is (a tiny bit) better. This goes with both devices. I guess this means, that I am not able to hear the difference - I can live with that. But: Do you know this effect, that after switching (anything) the impression is „better“? :) Or is this my positive mindset ;)

PS: I cared a lot so that Volume and all other settings are the same on both - A6 and A6-ME. PPS: If you know any piece of music, where the difference might become obvious, pls let me know.