I’ll go with the low-hanging fruit: Mein Kampf. I’ve read it, cover to cover. As a piece of propaganda, it’s good. As an example of good writing? Absolutely not (though I will admit I have only read it in translation). Oh, and the whole fascist, racist, and generally shitty worldview of the author that he infuses into the text. And the fact that the author is literally Hitler. You 5-star that book? You’re a Nazi. Period. And as a Jewish person, I don’t look too kindly on them.
I hope they serve beer in hell by Tucker Max
I remember passing that book around working on the boats, one of the guys would burst out laughing, I’d look up, what part?
Everytime I laughed and feeling that cringe over how wrong his head is.
I swear that’s the inspiration for Barney stintson
Shit this is a good one
I bought it for 2 bucks years ago, not knowing what it was. Never 2 bucks were spent more un wisely
Turner max had a website, probably still does, back in like ‘01, ‘02? With his stories, which my 20 or 21 year old self thought was funny. Haven’t reread any of it, but now it’s so effing cringe(along with other issues).
I used to live down the street from his dad’s restaurant and ate there often. His dad was a real asshole.
Yeah the one where he talks about having sex with a little person and loves the idea that his dick would look big in her “little hands” is so fucking weird…
I unironically think Tucker Max is a major data point when I try to draw a line from early internet culture to Andrew Tate and his kind today
Toxic Rage Cringe - it’s pretty pervasive attention bait.
That book was sooo bad, I thought it would be fun when I bought it and was shocked when they eventually made it into a movie
I’d never heard of him until they were filming a scene from that movie in the neighborhood I lived in at the time. I looked it up and quickly decided I’d never watch the movie or read the book. It all sounded so awful.
I think the movie was more based on one of his stories which was a trip to a strip club.
High school me thought it was the funniest story ever. Haha he was drunk and on drugs and he shit himself in the lobby. Glad I grew out of that one.
T.M. has been canceled for a while…wake up
Jesus I just tried to read the preview and how insufferable
Tucker Max is a very different person now…. Psychedelics will do that to someone.
He tried to donate to Planned Parenthood and they mailed him back hick check. True story
Under the condition they name a clinic after him lol. & it was a scheme to reduce his taxes.
My buddy loves this book. Self proclaimed asshole and married to a lovely woman and has a beautiful child. He was right assholes seem to have great lives.
That “seems to” is doing a lot of work.
Jesus Christ. Grammar edit. “My buddy loves this book. Self proclaimed asshole and married to a lovely woman, and has a beautiful child. He was right, assholes seem to have great lives.”
Look, he’s objectively a good writer. Also a phony garbage person, but the writing was funny. It’s just good we’ve all grown since then.
Oh wow, that’s a blast from the past. I remember having some high school friends who were obsessed with him. It felt a little gross at the time, but not enough to raise any red flags. I guess I didn’t really understand the difference between him and something like Superbad, for example.
In hindsight, it’s revolting. Sort of an Andrew Tate precursor. I don’t talk to those friends anymore, but I like to think they also find it disgusting now, they weren’t bad people. Happy to say they never treated people like Tucker Max, despite all the talk.
I thought that was so cool to have on my bookshelf at a certain age. Oof.
A book for the well regarded alright.