This is Raider football. We have an interim head coach, a rook qb playing his heart out and a fucking insane person playing DE on a fucked knee. The Chiefs sub would be burning down if we won this game. they’re fickle fans. sack up, move on and let’s enter this bye week with poise.

  • noonecouldseeme@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    JUST WIN BABY. i’m not worried about shit. they got rid of the obviously bad head coach. Next year is gonna be a new year with a better head coach. I won’t speculate on anything because it does no good. All of the folks here trying to call all of the shots for the team just take a day off. You’re a fan, it’s out of your control. It’s okay to care, I care too much sometimes about this shit. At the end of the day don’t let it ruin any part of your day. Just sit back and ride the wave. Better days ahead.

    • Excellent_Wealth_389@alien.topB
      1 year ago

      You guys been saying that for 20 years. Just give up already. The Raiders are just another Vegas show now. Time to find a new team.

        • Excellent_Wealth_389@alien.topB
          1 year ago

          I mean when you book it down following a football team is just entertainment. It is entertaining to you to follow an organization that left your city twice, jacked the price of tickets to the highest in the NFL and then makes stupid head coaching and player personnel decisions year after year? It’s a circus and will always be a circus as long as Mark Davis is the owner. Yet all you Raider fans are like an abused spouse, you keep coming back for more hoping one day to recapture the glory of the 70’s. It will never ever be that again. It’s over. Just pick a local team that actually hires smart people and puts a product in the field that’s fun and “entertaining” to watch. And don’t forget the reward…. The playoffs. You ain’t gonna get no reward being a Raider fan.