Hot sauce stays bad for a while and can be quite tender afterwards. The tiger balm just ended up getting kind of cool, like mentholy for a bit
Hot sauce stays bad for a while and can be quite tender afterwards. The tiger balm just ended up getting kind of cool, like mentholy for a bit
I’ve used it before. Got a pot specifically for CBT. It was a bit disappointing really. Hot sauce is way worse
Wow o.o
Such innocence should be preserved
Seems like it would be a hygiene nightmare!
Or maybe into/onto food? Not being allowed to eat your dinner (or breakfast!) until you’ve ruined onto it
Hmm. I always want to do cum eating then decide not to do it after I’ve had an orgasm… maybe ruined orgasms so I go through with the cum eating is something I should play with after all!
Wow, I thought I was doing well with a month being my record. I’m 9 days in at the moment, maybe I’ll try to match my record and then keep going afterwards.
Edit: do you find you want release less as you go on? I hit a barrier where I’m just bored not horny, if I did longer I’d hope that the horniness would get much worse again.
It’s an emotional sad, like I’ve failed and been bad. I’ve only deliberately ruined once, all the other times have been accidental. Leaves me confused and in a bad mood
Yeah ditto, ruined orgasms just make me sad. Lots of edging or pure denial for me.
I’ve been mostly locked since July so Locktober is business as usual. I’m a D&D nerd so I’ve got a dice table to roll on since I have no keyholder, although for the first time I have a friend that knows I’m into chastity and knows when I’m locked because I share the results of my rolls with her.
I’ve got a timer key safe that can do a maximum of 10 days.
I do 2d6 for duration, I wanted longer sessions on average and the distribution is better with 2d6 than 1d10 (11 & 12 count as 10)
If I’m locked for 6 days or longer I get to roll on the “nice table” when I’m out, which includes orgasms. If I’m locked for 5 days or less I have to roll on the “nasty table” for a punishment.
So far the shorter durations keep me hornier, I find I get bored and disinterested when I’m on longer no-touch denial.