Diabetes for everyone!
Diabetes for everyone!
Sadly there is not a keybind for this anywhere. It is only available to manually activate through the cockpit.
Cowardly? Dude. You are the drive-by troll. Downvotes for you are just a normal reality. I’m so sorry it hurts your feelings… not. Perhaps find a game you actually play and enjoy to comment on?
Hey sorry it took so long for me to reply. I am still not used to getting replies here! It depends. Some commands, like controlling power are easier to use in tight situations. I have a shields up command that is fun to say. But if I’m in a group I tend to keep the voice commands down to a minimum. I use it more often for take off, landings, and preparation for various conditions or battles.
I have dual VKBs so it isn’t like I’m short on controls :).
The way that they do updates doesn’t make automated updates very easy. There are usually a few little nagging things that have to be done or changed and they don’t always seem to be the same. I just update manually and make sure I’ve got a good backup of all my family’s files.
What a ridiculous thing to say.
Sorry but plant milk is a processed food with no nutritional value. It is not better for us or the planet. This is just a silly article.
What a callous human being. I’m sickened by her actions.