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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2023


  • but it’s being interpreted falsely as a “right” of the minority groups to have anything they want, and that’s quite literally not part of the tradition

    Those “anything” we want being the right to live without being harrassed, assaulted or murdered. The right to get married. The right to form families. The right to medical care to address our needs. The right to not be discriminated against in housing or work environments.

    You phrase it as if we’re threatening people, but all we want is to live a normal life in dignity, like everyone else. If that is “or else” to you, then it seems to me that you’ve already made up your mind about us.

    And you’re still not acknowledging that the LGB Alliance was created by cis and heterosexual people. They formed an organization so they could tell us what we should want. They pretend to care about our rights but they won’t even listen to us and the organizations we already have.

    I’ve been told multiple times that I can’t be an ally to the lgbtq+ community because of how I was born.

    Being an ally is about your actions, not about your identity. I don’t care that you’re cis, that doesn’t impact my opinion.

    The thing that makes me consider you not an ally? The way you speak about us. The way you don’t acknowledge the cis het misinformation and propaganda organization called LGB Alliance trying to splinter our community and NOT SPEAKING FOR US.

    If you seriously intend to be an ally, then I would highly suggest that you reflect on your attitudes about us and listen to what we actually want. If our desires to live in safety and dignity, to form families and access medical care and not be discriminated against, is too much for you… then frankly, I don’t think you value fairness at all.

  • If you’re heterosexual, you don’t get to create a group to promote any rights you think gays, lesbians or bisexuals should want.

    but it also forces people to draw battle lines unnecessarily

    Those lines are being drawn by cis het people actively trying to splinter the LGBTQ+ community. Hence a bunch of straight people creating things like. The LGB Alliance.

    Or people like JKR talking about lesbians and their dating interests, no matter how many lesbians tell her to get the hell out of this conversation.

  • They don’t ally with Nazis

    Kellie. Jay. Keen. Aka Posie Parker.

    Nazis might have shown up AT a KJK event, but they weren’t invited by her.

    Like she doesn’t invite men into women’s bathrooms? Like she doesn’t happily embrace the Nazis once they arrive?

    Your ramblings make it so clear you consume information from sources that suit your agenda only.

    Says a person only linking to propaganda sites, not even actual news sites.

    safe spaces for marginalised people and better care for children

    Not for the marginalized people they hate, aka trans people. Or the marginalized people that tell them to STFU, aka the rest of the LGBTQ+ community.

    Or the LGBTQ+ children who are suffering because of them.

    The only people doing any frothing are transphobes like you. You do not speak for women. You do not speak for LGBTQ+ people. You do not speak for actually marginalized people.

    And I don’t think that your opinions are bigoted. They just are. Anyone who allies with or supports KJK is a bigot because she is a literal Nazi.

  • Your comments are extremely disingenuous, considering you pretend that TERFs want anything except bad things for the people they hate. What brave feminists, to ally with literal Nazis if it gets them what they want. Screw all feminist causes, they are worth sacrificing so that the violent men will let you sit at the table and you can jeer at the icky “others” together.

    I’m a woman. You don’t speak for me. JKR certainly does not speak for me. Neither does her bestie Kellie-Jay who loves it when literal Nazis show up to her events. They’d really like to burn the books of trans people again like in the literal 1930s.

    If you want to try again to throw your bigoted misinformation at me, I’ll just block you. Because once someone is as far gone as that, they’re beyond saving. And I deserve a space away from bigots, regardless of their gender.

  • for espousing very traditional feminist beliefs.

    She is currently friends with and allies to and supportive of people and groups who are as far from “traditional feminist” as you can get. People like Matt Walsh. Groups like the “LGB Alliance”, which is made up of cis het people who want us all dead but it’s just convenient to start with the T. People who oppose abortion and marriage equality.

    If you want to read the words of a traditional feminist, I would recommend Right-Wing Women by Andrea Dworkin. It explains pretty well why women like JKR turn towards rightwing movements.

  • Because of this whole thread and convo, I went and looked up the HP walking tours in Edinburgh. The Potter Trail is the second result and they put a notice on their website that they stand with trans people.

    I think her actions are kind of revealing who in the fandom actually genuinely believes in acceptance and love, and who is just blindly following her because they’ve put her on a pedestal.

    Not sure how to end this reply, actually. I want to say something reassuring like “you matter” or “I’m glad you exist” but that’s probably… weird. I wish that no one had to experience the kind of hurt that comes with losing something that comforted them through their worst times.

  • Several trans women have talked about this, actually. Trans men too: How, upon transitioning and coming to a point of “passing”, they are suddenly treated veeery differently.

    If Rowling wanted to publish under her legal name, she could. Her publishers aren’t even getting her work properly edited anymore and haven’t since several books into the HP series. A writer of her standing can make the publishers print “Joanne Rowling” on the cover if she wanted to.

    Weirdly, she chose another pen name instead, and an outright masculine name at that. I highly doubt she gives a crap about whether her first name is on her books.

  • Eh, I disagree. I think she was already way too far gone. She was supporting Maya Forstater way before that essay. She was probably way further down the pipeline than anyone outside really knew, and she just became emboldened by anything that criticized or insulted her to lean more publicly into it.

    At the end of the day, if JKR wanted to be open to debate and respectful of trans people, she’d be that. Doesn’t matter what anyone writes online if she truly wanted to respect other people. It’s just a convenient excuse to go “see they’re big meanies who want me dead so that’s why I can be mean back”.

  • … what? You seriously think we can’t control beliefs or opinions?

    Do you just think that humans are mindless automatons who can’t control anything or most things in life? Because that’s nonsense.

    And why is it so important to you to find explanations or excuses for her choices? The choices remain deeply damaging to society and to marginalized people and communities. Even if she was truly just motivated by her own trauma, that does not make these choices defensible. She is making the world worse for people who have done nothing to her and who only want to exist in peace.

    There is no defense for this.

  • I did not read it as specific to those three people, but as a more general statement on these types of people, who turn to bigotry and have a history of trauma.

    People are psychologically complex. By ascribing “all” to my post, you’re doing the exact thing you’re accusing me of: assuming everyone could handle it the way you did.

    Uh, no, that’s just what I inferred you saying from your comment. Hence I called it out, because I thought YOU were saying it.

    EVERY HUMAN BEING IS LED BY INSTINCT. We all have subconscious drivers we DO NOT, and CANNOT control.

    There are things outside of our control. Being a bigot is not one of them. It is not an instinct. It is an active choice one has to make and keep making. If you’re traumatized by the actions of a man and a specific trans person’s appearance happens to trigger your trauma and you go into fight/flight/freeze/fawn, then that’s an instinct. But if you then go on a rampage to call all trans people rapists and donate to transphobic causes and people and ally yourself with actual fascists and fascism-apologists, that is not an instinct. That is an active choice.

  • I think that’s painting all trauma survivors as people who can’t “choose”, though. A great many women have survived trauma, even the same kind of trauma, as Rowling, and haven’t become bigots. Hell, trans people are at a massively increased risk of sexual assault, and most of them aren’t bigots.

    Sorry, but as a trauma survivor, I think it’s highly irresponsible to attribute bigotry to trauma. Bigots are ALWAYS choosing to be bigots. We trauma survivors are not exempt from this. We’re not led by instinct. We have agency to choose. And JKR chose to become a bigot and is every day choosing to remain one. She is fully accountable for her actions, as any other bigot is.