People could just do research for themselves… actually now that I say it - there’s no chance. So guess we’re just going with 1984 and Brave New World? Bold choice.
Born with a lead spoon in my mouth.
People could just do research for themselves… actually now that I say it - there’s no chance. So guess we’re just going with 1984 and Brave New World? Bold choice.
Nope, Uno Reverse, we surrender and the US is the UC and your government has to fix all our problems. No takesy-backsies!
Anyone that groups individuals with their government is a bigot advertising their bigotry.
I can’t think of a single troop I’ve ever met who’s had it out for Canada, quite the opposite. This whole thing is coming from one person and he didn’t campaign on it at all. This makes as much sense to Canadians as it does to Americans. No one asked for this, not even the mouth-breathing Trumpers.
Yes, that’s my whole life, the one part you can see. Damn, you got me.
It looks like they have a team and it’s open-source. It’s a gamble, but I’m guessing the death of Firefox would probably be a boon, not a hinderance, depending on who supports what from there.
Do you think that is by design or by choice? Do you have any idea the amount of propaganda the average American receives? Be a man and blame the actual bad actors: the transnational uber wealthy. Though, that might mean you’d be required to do something yourself, other than the super-useful finger pointing you’re currently doing.
You probably do more than you think. They control the flow of information because they know how dangerous an informed public would be to their interest (in keeping us in chains). If everyone understood how bad they’re getting fucked, there wouldn’t be anything left to do, the people would burn it all down.
No place is safe from these billionaires and trans-national corporations. No nation can stop their collective power, it has to be all of us this time. Remember North Korea - it doesn’t have to ever get better once it gets bad and this is probably our last chance.
Exactly, it’s the tried and true method of appeasement that has made Chamberlain synonymous with effective diplomacy. Nothing can go wrong.
Fuck Lost. “It’s better to never reveal the mystery!” That was the guiding principle, to just cake on mystery and keep audiences following like a laser pointer and a cat. I’m an advocate for free speech, but if someone made a law outlawing that kind of storytelling, it might cause my resolve to waver. At least Stephen King will write an ending, even if it’s the third deus ex machina in a row, you’ll get an ending!
I’ll be honest, outside of tabs, I can’t think of much that has improved with browsers in the past few years.
Been using Libre Wolf, no issues so far. Fuck Firefox
That’s funny, I’m an American who literally argued with a German why Schwarze Pete (Black Pete) being a thing in the Netherlands, a country that heavily dealt in the slave trade, serving as a servant for Santa, and encouraging a form a black face… maybe a little racist?
Germans really like to analyze American politics, but mention nuclear power or Palestine and you see there’s a lot more in common than different.
Libre Wolf isn’t bad.
Fine, male mail order bride it is. No kiss on mouth!
Maybe it’s the fact I have only one? There are a couples places that would be a lot quieter if I stopped commenting and I’m guessing they don’t really want to bite the many hands that feed. Once comments die it’s just a graveyard of links.
I guess I’m pretty suspicious of all states and the control they exert over the average person to use that metric. It’s my opinion that if democracy worked, it’d be illegal (or subverted by a CIA-backed coup).