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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • The unreliable narrator kind of became its own genre briefly - Gone Girl, Girl on a Train, Silent Patient - I hated all of them. As a reader it is super easy for the writer to just flat out lie to me, and then create this big shocking twist that everything I’ve been reading is a lie. It strikes me as lazy writing.

    That said, the Silent Patient is even worse than that, because the lies were to poorly constructed that I picked the murder on page 9. Literally. As I was just starting the book, I said to my wife “if the killer turns out to be so and so, this book will suck.” And suck it did.

  • I’ve never been part of a book club, but as an author I’ve been to speak at them. They sort of dissect character motivations and scenes, discuss imagery. I find some are more literary than others - some are just a group of people drinking wine and talking about a book they read and what they liked/disliked about it.