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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 16th, 2023


  • You’re exactly right that your emotions will never be the same. If they were, re-reading wouldn’t be worth it. You’ll pick up more details in character and plot development, foreshadowing, writing technique, and over-arching themes in more nuance than the first time you read. Reading a book once lets you know the whole plot, but re-reading at least two or three times is the only way to actually understand the book.

  • I re-read The Farthest Shore during the first summer of the pandemic, just when everyone was realizing that there would be no easing up or return to normalcy in a few months. My thesis project had become impossible to complete, I was questioning dropping out of school, my summer camp job that Iiked very much had been canceled, and there was absolutely nothing for me to do but hang out and take psychedelic drugs with my equally depressed and anxious friends.

    I know many people don’t like TFS as much as the other books in the series. I’ve read reviews where people complain that they’re unable to connect with the plot or the characters. They’re just stupid, honestly I think they weren’t or haven’t processed depression or existential anxiety like that book presents, but it was exactly what I needed in that moment. It was like Ged was speaking to me directly, addressing my thoughts and affirming to me that my feelings were okay. The metaphor of magic being forgotten for depression is so powerful and effective, and paralleled so well with the unfolding tragedy and apathy that the pandemic brought on. I recommend it to anyone dealing with depression, hopelessness, or coping with feelings about confronting death, of yoursef or of a loved one.