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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023

  • From the answers just from Europeans, parents in the following capitals (not even including smaller cities and towns):

    1. Vienna (Austria)
    2. Warsaw (Poland)
    3. Berlin (Germany)
    4. Prague (Czechia)
    5. Talinn (Estonia)
    6. Ljubliana (Slovenia)
    7. Amsterdam (Netherlands)
    8. Helsinki (Finland)
    9. Dublin (Ireland)
    10. Bern (Switzerland)
    11. Lisbon (Portugal)
    12. Madrid (Spain)
    13. Reykjavík (Iceland)
    14. Moscow (Russia)
    15. Zagreb (Croatia)
    16. Copenhagen (Denmark)
    17. Baku (Azerbaijan)

    And from personal experience this is also perfectly normal for children to explore the city alone in Singapore, Seoul, Tokyo, and Taipei.

    And again, I’m just listing the capitals where it’s safe. A comprehensive list would be way too long.