“Everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi”
Wait you’re saying that calling people nazis if they have a different viewpoint than you doesn’t foster diversity? Who would have thought.
Yeah the point flew way over that guys head
I should stock up on tissues
I wouldn’t park in a bike lane because I’m not an idiot.
I also wouldn’t block a live roadway for a protest as it is just inconveniencing others and would only alienate them from the cause I’m trying to advocate for, also because I’m not an idiot.
Third world country things
Found the tesla owner
As a heavy daily user i never understood why people would say it makes them anxious or whatever but after 1 &1/2 month t break it felt like I was in another dimension
I literally only got socks and wasn’t this ungrateful lmfao
Well they can live somewhere else right? You have to pay for convenience, can’t have your cake and eat it too.
Didn’t know you had to be rich to buy property, my bad
I’m not sure but I hope you feel better.
Well they can just purchase their own property and not have to pay rent, right? If someone raised the rent to $1mil I don’t think anyone would live there, it’s a free market no?
Sounds like you’re mad
Is there anything holding them back from buying their own property and not having to pay rent?
Yeah you must be unbearable
Hearing an m1 ping… that’s what life’s about