Don’t worry, your features “will be incorporated in future releases of our latest chat client and our Gmail.”
Don’t worry, your features “will be incorporated in future releases of our latest chat client and our Gmail.”
This is a catpastrophe.
Definitely Subnautica. It doesn’t matter how many times I play it, there’s still the twitchy dread. I imagine if I could play it for the first time, but in VR, I would never have finished it and there’d be a hole in the wall where I threw the controller.
I’ve been carrying a Civivi for a while now. They seem to be better quality than their price would suggest. They also have some neat options for locking mechanisms, many ambidextrous that don’t require you to put your fingers in the line with the blade when closing, and different colors. Take a look at this Knife Center Search for Civivi and red. I’m also partial to Boker in th$100 or so range. For a $150, you could have a decent knife or two, and or a sharpening stone as mentioned by others.
Any chance he could get a CEO position?